Development Automation

Create, Ship, and continuously Improve your software


Starting a new project should be a joy, not a drag. Make project creation one of your super powers.
  • Create everything you need for your project in one go
  • Turn any repo into a software factory
  • Configure your development flow
  • Get actionable notifications for your projects in chat
  • See project information on the Atomist web dashboard


Take the friction out of your shipping. Automate tedious tasks, get the right notifications to the right people.
  • Automate custom project checks and reviews
  • Streamline code review. Never wait for merges on all green again
  • Compose and evolve flexible development flows based on events, not static pipeline definitions
  • Release with the convenience of a button in Slack


Nothing says tedium like updates. Let us help. Less key mashing, and back to coding faster. Update 100 projects as easily as one.
  • Roll out new version of frameworks across all projects
  • Update dependencies across all projects
  • Automate code-level change across your projects, whether it’s a big renaming, or squashing a bug across your code base

Simple, powerful, open source automation API

Automate your development process, increase visibility.

@CommandHandler("Kotlin Spring 5 generator", "Generate a new spring Kotlin project")
export class KotlinSpring5 extends JavaSeed

  public projectEditor(ctx: HandlerContext, params: this): ProjectEditor {
    return transformSeed;

const transformSeed: ProjectEditor = project: Project, ctx: HandlerContext, pars: KotlinSpring5) => {
  const artifact = camelize(pars.artifactId);
  const appName = artifact.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + artifact.substr(1);
  const smartArtifactId = (pars.artifactId === "${projectName}") ? : pars.artifactId;
  return updatePom(project, smartArtifactId, pars.groupId, pars.version, pars.description)
  .then(structure => !!structure ?
  renameAppClass(project, structure, appName)
  .then(p => movePackage(p, structure.applicationPackage, pars.rootPackage, AllKotlinFiles))
  : project);

function renameAppClass(project: Project, structure: SpringBootProjectStructure,
appName: string): Promise {
  return doWithFiles(project, AllKotlinFiles, f =>
  f.replaceAll(structure.applicationClassStem, appName)
  .then(f => f.path.includes(structure.applicationClassStem) ?
  f.setPath(f.path.replace(structure.applicationClassStem, appName)) :
@CommandHandler("Upgrade versions of Spring Boot across an org", "upgrade spring boot version")
export class SpringBootVersionUpgrade extends EditorCommandSupport {

    @Secret(Secrets.userToken(["repo", "user"]))
    protected githubToken;

        displayName: "Desired Spring Boot version",
        description: "The desired Spring Boot version across these repos",
        pattern: /^.+$/,
        validInput: "Semantic version",
        required: false,
    public desiredBootVersion: string;

    public projectEditor(): ProjectEditor {
        return setSpringBootVersionEditor(this.desiredBootVersion);

    public editInfo(p: Project): EditMode {
        return new PullRequest("spring-boot-" + this.desiredBootVersion,
            "Upgrade Spring Boot to " + this.desiredBootVersion);

export function setSpringBootVersionEditor(desiredBootVersion: string): AnyProjectEditor {
    return p =>
        doWithAtMostOneMatch(p, "pom.xml",
            parentStanzaOfGrammar(SpringBootStarter), m => {
                if (m.version.value !== desiredBootVersion) {
                    m.version.value = desiredBootVersion;
@CommandHandler("Query Stack Overflow", "search so")
export class SearchStackOverflow implements HandleCommand {

    @Parameter({ description: "your search query", pattern: /^.*$/ })
    public q: string;

    public handle(ctx: HandlerContext): Promise {
        return axios.get(`${apiSearchUrl}${encodeURIComponent(this.q)}`)
            .then(res => this.handleResult(res, this.q))
            .then(msg => return ctx.messageClient.respond(msg) });